Wednesday, June 4, 2008


And I will tell you why!!! Last night I stopped at the entrance to the Clan Moragh Area, had to afk and didn't stealth to a safe spot first, literally got pulled AFK by my horny GF. I get back and I am dead, from the arrows of a 27 Ranger. I rez and my 25 Barbarian ass goes back and he is still there. Pwning him was so easy. The Stunning Punch/Clobber II combo keeps them from kiting, they just die. And die again, and again. So here's a link for all Rangers, may you bask in your effeminate glow.

On another note, I like PvP but I am not a PK. In other words, I don't gank people just because their back is turned and they have low health. I kill for a reason, like I see people from opposing guilds or factions, or they have a stupid name, or if they are PKs. I hate PKs, not for their lame attempts to kill me, but because they kill the little ones. Weak, and yes, gay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, it's pretty funny. You know how Rangers are the best in PvP at early levels? That's the only reason there are so many PKer rangers around early on. So don't feel angry at rangers overall... At lvl80 they are not a very strong class, and most of them aren't gankers :) The ones that are roll alt rangers just to kill low level people!